Betekenis van:
root on
- further trials on rotational crops (namely root crops and cereals) and a metabolism study on ruminants to confirm the consumer risk assessment;
- As regards fludioxonil, such an application was made for the use on carrots, beet roots, parsnips, horseradish, onions, salsify, parsley root, spinach and beet leaves.
- Root cause analysis must then be carried out on repetitive, quality failures, so that corrective action can be determined by the contracting parties.
- None of those names may be used for any other fibre, whether on their own or as an adjective or as a root, in any language whatsoever.
- The amount of cereal and/or starchy root shall not be less than 25 % of the final mixture on a dry weight for weight basis.
- Monitoring sites shall be established to provide data on nitrogen in water leaving the root zone and entering the groundwater system and on nitrogen losses by surface and subsurface runoff, both under derogation and non derogation conditions.
- studying phenomena related to violence and its impact, both on victims and on society as a whole, including the health-care, social and economic costs, in order to address the root causes of violence at all levels of society;
- EFSA Scientific Report (2009) 237, 1-40.Reasoned opinion of EFSA prepared by the Pesticides Unit (PRAPeR) on the modification of the existing MRL for fludioxonil in various root vegetables.
- Motor Sich submitted documentation on 4 June 2009 stating that the company had carried out a root cause analysis and had drawn up corrective actions to resolve any safety deficiencies.
- Shallow groundwater, soil water, drainage water and streams in farms belonging to the monitoring network shall provide data on nitrate and phosphorus concentration in water leaving the root zone and entering the groundwater and surface water system.
- Some remedial actions for deficiencies noted during SAFA inspection are not being systematically corrected including determination of their root cause (oil leak on engine, missing screws, performance limitation in MEL, etc).
- Monitoring of shallow groundwater, soil water, drainage water and streams in farms belonging to the agricultural catchment monitoring sites shall provide data on nitrate and phosphorus concentration in water leaving the root zone and entering groundwater and surface water.
- But the main result appears to have been to alienate union leaders who have sought the removal of the eight-man management team, headed by Mr Groves, which is on secondment from the UK’s Brown & Root’.
- The competent authority shall submit the results of the monitoring, every year, to the Commission, with a concise report on evaluation practice (controls at farm level, including information on non compliant farms based on results of administrative and field inspections) and water quality evolution (based on root zone leaching monitoring, surface/ground water quality and model-based calculations).
- Monitoring sites, corresponding to at least 150 farms, shall be established in order to provide data on nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in soil water, on mineral nitrogen in soil profile and corresponding nitrogen and phosphorus losses through the root zone into groundwater, as well as on nitrogen and phosphorus losses by surface and subsurface run-off, both under derogation and non derogation conditions.